Tuesday 30 July 2013

Latest Additions...

I've been away on holidays for most of July, so not a lot has been happening on the model train front. 

Work continues on the VHQF hoppers, I've almost got them to the point where they need a coat of paint. Unfortunately, with the weather the way it's been recently, that'll have to wait for a while.

My RMM VHQF Hoppers, waiting for a spot in the paint shop 

But the highlight of the month was waiting for me at the post office. Back in January, I'd gotten my order in for 2 packs of Auscision N Passenger cars in V/Line Tangerine livery. Which was lucky, because they sold out before they even arrived in Australia! The detail on these models is fantastic, particularly the underfloor detail. In fact, if anything, the detail is too fine in some areas. Both sets had a small piece loose in in the box on arrival. Still, I'm very happy with them. Now I just need a layout to run them on...

 My N Passenger Cars in V/Line Tangerine

One of the 1st class ACN cars

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