Tuesday 30 April 2013

VQDW Wagons

One of the many projects on my workbench at the moment is 3 IDR Castings VQDW 80' container wagons. I bought these a couple of years ago at the Liverpool Model Railway Exhibition, and they've been sitting in my kit box ever since. 
So a couple of weeks ago, I got them out and made a start. They're a pretty simple kit really. The main body of the wagon is a single casting of polyurathane, and has a considerable amount of flash. After that's all removed, and  the brake detail is added, it's now ready for a coat of primer and VR wagon red.

I've assembled these as per the instructions, but over on Railpage there's a good example of a VQDW model that's been kitbashed to better reflect the wagons in service with V/line (http://www.railpage.com.au/f-p1456244.htm#1456244). Maybe next time...

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