Sunday 30 November 2014

Some more additions to the rolling stock fleet

This month I finally got around to finishing some more wagons. I seem to always have a backlog of half-finished models lying around, so it's good to finish some and get them into service. 

First up this month are some VQCX container wagons. I've had 3 sitting around at about 90% completion since February this year, and I decided this week it was time to finish them. The only things left to do for these wagons was applying the container locks, handbrake wheels and some dullcoat. The reason they haven't been completed until now is because I scratch build the container locks out of brass sheet, and it's a time-consuming and laborious job that I don't enjoy all that much. Anyway, I bit the bullet this weekend knocked them out as quick as I could. 

VQCX wagons with custom container locks
 These wagons have been set up in a number of different configurations. One is configured to carry a single 40 ft container and another to carry 2x 20ft containers. The third one is a little different, with the centre locks set up to allow a number of different combinations. I'm not sure yet which I prefer, I'll probably do a few of each type with my next lot of wagons.

Also this month I applied the decals to my quarry hoppers. The next step for these is attaching the bogies and shunters steps. After that, they'll just need some dullcoat and they'll be ready to go.

Rail Motor Models quarry hoppers