Monday 31 March 2014

Modelling season starts up again...

With the return of the footy and a spell of wet weather here in Canberra, I've been getting a fair bit of modelling done. I've finished the next 6 VHGF Grain Wagons, bringing the total fleet up to 12.

 I first started some of these kits over 3 years ago now, and I'm happy to have them finished. I feel like I'm in the groove of kit-building at the moment, so I started building the other VHGF kits in my kit box. After swearing I'd build them in smaller batches next time, I've now got 12 (!) in the early stages of construction.

Cleaning up the underbody detail is the most time consuming and frustrating part of the build for me, so it's good to have that part out of the way.

I've also applied the decals to 2 of the VQDW wagons, with 1 left to do. I'm going to apply container locking lugs to these wagons, which will be the same as the ones on the VQCX wagons I made last month. In real life they used a different system for securing the containers, but to recreate that at HO scale I'd have to permanently attach the containers to the wagon. The plan is to use these wagons as part of a Melbourne-Adelaide jet service, where they usually carried TNT containers, so permanently-attached wagons wouldn't be out of place. But I want to be able to change the wagon load in the future, so i'll compromise and use the white locking lugs.

The final step for these wagons is to attach the bogies, but they need a coat of wagon red paint. 

I've also finished the assembly of my VHQY Quarry Hopper Wagons, and they to are awaiting some paint. Unfortunately with all the rain we've had here I haven't had a chance, but hopefully the weather will be fine this weekend. I've also got a bunch of bogies that need painting too, so I'll be on the airbrush for a while...